Native Deodorant Coconut & Vanilla

Native Deodorant Coconut and Vanilla

Native Deodorant Coconut and Vanilla

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

4.9/5 – Native Deodorant Coconut and Vanilla is excellent! It smells great, does not require a lot of product for all day protection, it does not leave white marks on dark clothing…it is everything one asks for in a natural deodorant or any deodorant for that matter. It is understandable why so many people try it and #GoNative.
It is excellent for sensitive skin and suitable for all skin types, ages, and genders.
This reviewer had one draw back to this product, the reason is has a 4.9 rather than a 5 star review, it comes in a plastic container. However Native has now said that they will go plastic free and offer the deodorant sticks in paperboard.

Native Deodorant

Women’s Native Deodorant Coconut Vanilla

Key Ingredients
Tapioca Starch
Coconut Oil

Highlights: Clean, Natural, Vegan, Cruelty Free, Aluminum Free

Made in USA

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