Andalou Konjac Sponge

Andalou Clarity and Enlightenment Konjac Facial Sponge Duo

Andalou Naturals
Clarity and Enlightenment Konjac Facial Sponge Duo

Discontinued Item

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

4.2/5 – A great way to cleanse your face without touching your skin directly. Highly effective and a wonderful addition to your green beauty routine.
A very gentle and natural exfoliant.
After use skin will feel refreshed and glow.

Links to Order:
Central Market
Revitalise Naturally

Andalou Naturals Clarity and Enlightenment – Konjac Facial Sponge Duo is an effective skin cleansing sponge infused with beneficial skin loving extracts. Made from all-natural fibre, antioxidant rich Tumeric extract in the circle shaped sponge helps brighten skin and repairs for renewed skin health. Certified organic Willow Bark extract promotes skin clarity, helps soothes and clears pores in the heart shaped sponge.

Directions: Soften sponge by soaking in warm water for 3-5 minutes. Squeeze gently to expel excess water. Gently massage over face and neck in circular motion.

Highlights: Vegan, Cruelty Free, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Travel Safe, Biodegradable, Compostable, Non GMO

Andalou wants consumers to feel empowered and safe.

Individually wrapped in plastic – if it was zerowaste or less waste it would receive a higher score.

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