Baby Wipes

Baby Wipes: Green?

It has been a long held belief that the only things that can be flushed down a toilet are the 3Ps – Poo, Pee, and Paper. There are several parents who have been throwing baby wipes down the toilet under the belief that it counts within the 3Ps.
This is simply untrue. Baby wipes are not flushable. Seeing a gap in the market, several companies began to experiment and sell “flushable baby wipes” Despite claims this is also untrue.
There are companies that manufacture biodegradable and eco-friendly baby wipes, but even those should be thrown in the trash. They will biodegrade, eventually, but do not flush wipes down the toilet.
If one chooses biodegradable wipes and follows up the ecological stance by composting them the true ecological option is to use reusable cotton wipes.