Avoid Ashy Skin

Ashy Skin and How to Avoid it

Recently there has been a lot of talk about people being “ashy” Basically all ashy means is to have dry skin that is somewhat flakey and has the resemblance of ash. So how does one avoid such a fate?

Preventative Measures
1) Daily lotion – if ashiness has not become a problem any natural lotion will work.
2) Avoid drying soaps – it is worth investing in some natural soaps that will not strip moisture from the skin
3) Moderate exfoliants – a daily exfoliant may be too much for some, dropping exfoliant product use to once or twice a week can help keep skin refreshed and not dry.
4) Avoid hot showers and baths – water that is near boiling can dry the skin, it may be relaxing after a long day to soak in a piping hot tub, but it can also damage the skin. You do not have to avoid scalding water indefinitely first try dropping hot showers down to once or twice a week
5) Try not to scratch – dry skin can be itchy but scratching only makes it worse, and ashier.
6) Drink water – keeping the skin hydrated from within is one of the best ways to keep it soft.
7) Watch what you eat – junk foods and fast food can make your skin blemish and sugars and breads can absorb a lot of that water you’ve been drinking. A diet that consists of sugars and starch can lead to ashiness.

1) If lotion is not strong enough, use a body butter or body oil. A few drops of body oil can be added to the bath to add moisture while you soak.
2) Use a body wash or natural soap – your body may need a light moisturising after a bath, so apply a lotion
3) A weekly exfoliant is needed – depending on your skin type this may be weekly loofah use, or a natural soap with exfoliant (a soap with oats or coffee grounds is often enough), or a separate body exfoliant.
4) Try turning the temperature down at the thermostat a few degrees, or maybe shortening a shower by a few minutes
5) If your skin is itchy and you must scratch, keep a travel sized lotion with you (car, purse, office) so that when your skin is itchy you can slap on some cream.
a. Using sunscreen also helps, sun damaged skin (although it may not looked burnt) is often itchy
6) Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – water is key for so many skin and health problems. Drink lots of water and limit sugary juices, colas, and alcohol – coffee is fine but try adding tea once or twice a week
7) Diet is a key factor in many skin and health problems – switching to a plant based or flexitarian diet can help to keep skin youthful and bright.

Ashy skin can be avoided and it can be prevented.