
Natural Bruise Treatment

Before a bruise has formed, it is advised to ice the area. This will keep any swelling down and it may help keep the colour of the bruise lighter.
Once the bruise has formed, the best way to treat it depends on the colour. Regardless of colour, arnica will help. After ice, dry area and apply arnica. The arnica will help reduce inflammation and swelling. The darker the bruise, the more icing it will require. The deep, dark bruises should be iced for 20 minutes four times a day, for three to five days.
During the icing period, which can be anywhere from 1 day to 1 week if the swelling goes down and colour becomes lighter the icing process is finished, avoid hot baths.
After the icing period, heat should be used. One or twice a day apply a hot water bottle, this will help with the circulation under and around the bruise. It is still advisable to apply arnica after the hot water bottle.
The ice and heat may make the area dry, and it is OK to apply some all-natural moisturiser.