Avalon Organics Lemon Shampoo

Avalon Organics Lemon Shampoo & Conditioner

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

3.7/5 Avalon Organics Purifying Lemon Shampoo and Conditioner are good, natural hair care products that will leave hair feeling and looking clean. Both the shampoo and conditioner are a gentle enough to use daily, although hair will be left clean and soft so daily washing may not be necessary*.
The shampoo will clean hair and it is the combination of the shampoo and conditioner that will leave hair feeling soft and manageable. The shampoo on its own did not provide lasting moisture.

Although the product does not sell itself on “no more tears” or as a child’s product, it will not sting the eyes and it is suitable for all hair types and customers of all ages.

This is sold in a dark plastic bottle which most municipal recycling facilities will accomodate.

*the use of a shampoo and/or conditioner daily is a personal matter and Inherent Skincare is not making ubiquitous advice.




Key Ingredients
Aloe Juice
Lime Oil
Lemon Peel Oil

Highlights: Biodegradable, Cruelty Free, Vegan

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