Biofficina Toscana Deo Roll-On

Biofficina Toscana Deo Roll-On

Biofficina Toscana Deo Roll-On

Organic – Yes

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

4.1/5 – This deodorant is aluminum and potassium free, but in all other respects feels and protects like a conventional roll-on store brand. It will leave a soft scent of sage on the armpits, for 3 to 5 hours. After that a re-application may be needed to keep odours and wetness away.
It may not prevent moisture from collecting in the pits but it has tested better than many powder based or spray natural deodorants for limiting the amount of sweat that appears on clothing.
Suitable for all skin types and genders.

Key Ingredients:
Triethyl citrate
Essential oils of organic sage, thyme and mint.

The company has a commitment to the environment and organic ingredients to create products that combine nature with science.

Made in Italy

Highlights – Vegan, Vegano, Cruelty Free, Cruelty Libero, Eco-Friendly, Ecosostenibile

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