Cocoon Apothecary Coffee Scrub

Cocoon Apothecary Coffee Scrub

Cocoon Apothecary Coffee Scrub Bar Soap
Organic – Yes

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

5/5 – Natural soap that cleanses and exfoliates!
A cube of soap with a thick layer of coffee grounds on the top with lush layers of coffee based soap underneath. Since this is a cube of soap, if used on its side, both the cleansing effect of the caffeine and the exfoliating scrub of the coffee grounds.

Cocoon Apothecary Website:
Cocoon Apothecary Coffee Soap Link:

Highlights – EcoCert, Natural, Glass Bottle, Bottle Return Policy, Synthetic Free, Vegan, Cruelty Free, Zero Waste
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Made in Canada

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