Green Sisters Multi Vitamin Crème

Green Sisters Multi Vitamin Crème

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

4.8/5 – Green Sisters Multi Vitamin Crème – a light cream that will not block pores or disrupt the natural ph balance of your skin, leaving a glowing look and feel. This will absorb quickly in to the face so make-up can be applied soon after use. It is a very gentle cream and feels soft around the eyes and on the neck.
Excellent for a pre-make-up base, as it will help cosmetics stay on the skin without running.
It can also be used as a night cream; skin will still feel soothed in the morning.
With use once a day a jar will last for quite some time. With twice daily use it should still last at least a month, as not a lot of product is needed per application.
Suitable for all genders and skin types.
It can also be sued at any time of the year. Some creams do not offer enough moisture in colder months, while some are too heavy in warmer months. There is a third type of moisturiser that is suitable for a seasonal transition, and Green Sisters Multi Vitamin Cream is even suitable for those times.

Key Ingredients
Sweet Almond Oil
Apricot Kernal Oil
Grape Seed Oil
Vitamins A, C, E
Coconut Oil

Highlights: Organic, Cruelty Free, Natural, Biodegradable

Green Sisters believes in supporting the bodies we live in and our earth. Their products are manufactured with a high ethical standard.

Made in Canada

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