Intelligent Nutrients Shampoo & Conditioner

Intelligent Nutrients Harmonic Shampoo and Conditioner

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

4.5/5 – Intelligent Nutrients – Harmonic Shampoo and Conditioner is highly effective; it both cleans and moisturizes hair with lasting results that leave a pleasant, light odour of coconut on the hair. These are good for all hair types and will leave a silky, manageable head of hair.
The shampoo can be used on its own (for days when a conditioner is not needed) and hair will still be left clean and with body. Although using both shame and conditioner will have an even better reaction.

Key Ingredients
Black Cumin Oil
Pumpkin Seed Oil
Red Raspberry Seed Oil

Made in USA

Intelligent Nutrients has won several natural and #greenbeauty awards.

Highlights: Biodegradable, Cruelty Free

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