juice beauty neck cream

Juice Beauty Lifting Neck Cream

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

2.3/5 –Jukce Beauty Lifting Neck Cream is moisturising without real results. There is no real benefit in having a separate neck cream, it is useful to use moisturiser on the neck, but there is no difference in using a regular daily face moisturiser or a neck moisturiser.
This will add moisture to the neck, and it can also be used on the face, although can be quite rough around the eyes. Not recommended for those with oily skin.

Juice Beauty is a PETA approved company making organic products, and they have a lot of eco-values. The spokesperson is Gwenyth Paltrow who engages in a controversial practice of apitherapy, letting honey bees sting her as an ancient medical treatment. With the global decline of the bee population, this has generated a lot of debate, and has affected the company rating.



Key Ingredients
Apple Juice
Grape Juice
Aloe Juice
Sunflower Oil

Made in USA

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