Neal’s Yard Remedies Lemon & Coriander Deodorant

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

4.4/5 – Neal’s Yard Remedies Lemon & Coriander Deodorant has a total of 8 essential oils make this body spray pleasant smelling. The blend of oils will not block pores and will cleanse the area of bacteria. In tests Neal’s Yard Remedies Lemon & Coriander Deodorant provides freshness for nearly 8 full hours and will keep odour away during an hour-long yoga or Pilates classes as well as more physical sweat inducing classes. Re-application is needed after classes and may be needed every 4 to 8 hours, depending on various factors, such as personal conditions and weather…
The glass bottle is not convenient to carry around for the re-applications, as it is quite bulky and heavy, it really weighs down a bag.
A few sprays to the underarms will dry within minutes and does not leave a residue on clothes.
The overall efficacy is largely personal as this may not provide enough odour protection for everyone or in all situations.
This is good for all skin types, but may sting on broken skin and it is not advisable to spray on a freshly shaved area.
Additional Uses:
After the gym, one spray in sweaty running shoes will freshen them up almost instantly.

A few sprays on laundry hanging to dry inside will keep a light scent on the clothes for a few days. Alternatively a few sprays of clothes hanging in the closet or folded in the cupboard will bring out a lively scent; this is great when you pull winter clothes out of the closet after months.

Spraying a yoga mat after class with this will help kill any bacteria and leaves a nice scent.

Canadian Page

Made in England

Key Ingredients
Citrus Peel Oils – Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit
Coriander Fruit Oil
Clove Bud Oil

Here are some of the campaigns that the company is involved with:

Highlights: Cruelty Free, Vegan

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One thought on “Neal’s Yard Remedies Lemon & Coriander Deodorant

  1. I always look for reviews that are not linked to the company website itself.
    You never know if companies are posting their own reviews.

    Usually this much information in such a short write up is hard to find.
    Love that this includes info on the product and company.

    I spend a lot of time looking for companies that do not greenwash.

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