
Reusable Swab

Earthsider Reusable Ear Swab

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

5/5 – Earthsider Reusable Ear Swab is a great alternative to throw away cotton swabs, this is a Zero-Waste Reusable Swab. The swab made from all-natural silica sand.
It will fit all ears, it is soft and gentle causing no irritation.
The only draw back in testing has been that some people do not find it is intense enough and prefer something that will focus more on removing the wax. To those looking to clear out earwax, I would advise dipping the swab in water or hydrogen peroxide first.
It is easy to clean by running under water.

The Zero-waste Reusable Swab is made entirely of super-soft silicone which is derived from all-natural silica sand. The soft silicone tips provide that feeling we all know and love by cleaning our ears of all that nasty wax.

Two billion cotton swabs are thrown away each day in the United States alone. It’s estimated that there are more swabs and straws in our oceans than there are fish.

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