Senza Bamboo

Senza Bamboo Paddle Brush

Senza Bamboo Paddle Brush

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

4.8/5 – Senza’s Paddle Brush is nondescript in that it is not entirely round or flat, which makes it perfect for creating waves in the hair. The brush is course enough to comb through and detangle wet hair yet will not tear and pull at the scalp thanks to the ball-tips on the firm nylon bristles.
The handle is comfortable to hold and 100% bamboo.
This brush is excellent, it will detangle, smooth and massage all at once.
It is easy to clean, long-lasting

Senza Bamboo Website

Senza Bamboo Paddle Brush

Made in Washington, USA

Senza Bamboo‘s founder was disgraced at the number of plastic toothbrushes filling landfills and oceans, and has been creating alternatives.

3% of sales of this brush are donated to local women’s shelters.

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