Toms of Maine Wicked Fresh Mouthwash

Tom’s Wicked Fresh Mouthwash

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – No

2.8/5 Tom’s of Maine Wicked Fresh Mouthwash leaves breath fresh and there is no lingering aftertaste. Most people will opt for an alcohol based mouthwash, as those are designed to combat immediate breath problems, but do little to address the long term causes of bad breath.
The lower score for Tom’s is largely due to the questionable “natural” ingredients. The settlement of a $4.5 million case where they have agreed to false advertising makes it hard to give a score for the Quality of Ingredients and Company.
This mouthwash did freshen breath and did not leave the mouth on fire.

Made in USA

Key Ingredients
Aloe Juice
Zinc Chloride

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