Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

7 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

People often ask, what can I do to help the environment. Some steps are quite simple and will not impact a person’s day-to-day life that much, yet it can do a lot for the environment.
Many of these are related to green beauty or at least come back to it in some way.

Buy locally. Shipping burns fuel. A 5-pound package shipped by air across the country creates 12 pounds of CO2 (3 ½ pounds if shipped by truck).
Support your local small beauty supplier, this reduces the carbon footprint from the company and it also puts money back into your community.

Eat less meat. If you’re already a vegetarian, you save at least 3,000 pounds of CO2 per year compared to meat eaters. If you’re not a vegetarian, just increase the number of vegetarian meals you eat each week by one or two. Also, poultry is less greenhouse gas intensive than beef.
This is also true for buying cruelty free products.

Don’t waste food. About one-quarter of all the food prepared annually in the U.S., for example, gets tossed, producing methane in landfills as well as carbon emissions from transporting wasted food.
For unused or left-over product, if it is natural it can also be composted.

Replace Disposables: Wherever possible, replace disposable products with reusable ones (i.e., razor, soap, shampoo, food storage, batteries, ink cartridges (buy refill ink), coffee filters, furnace or air conditioner filters, etc.).
Zero waste refill stores are becoming more and more popular. There are a lot of reusable, zero waste and waste free shops that are refilling all manner of beauty and household products.

Reduce Purchases: In general, think before you buy any product – do you really need it? How did the production of this product impact the environment and what further impacts will there be with the disposal of the product (and associated packaging materials)?
A green beauty practice is to only buy the products that you need. Not all skin types need all manners of skin care products.

Reduce energy use.
Quick steps:

Unplug unused electronics
Change your light bulbs to LED
Wash clothes in cold water and hang them to dry
Insulate your home, especially doors, windows, attic and attic door
Check lights, appliances, curtains and your thermostat every morning and night and anytime you leave home
Install a programmable thermostat
Buy certified energy efficient appliances
Get an energy audit

Reduce water use. Cut your showers by 2 minutes each day and reduce the temperature of your water. Try reducing it by 1 degree each day for as long as you can enjoy the lowest temperature.
Finding the right temperature of a bath or shower can make it better for you and the environment.