Aveda Botanical Kinetics Cream Cleanser

Aveda Botanical Kinetics Cream Cleanser

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – No

2.6/5 Aveda Botanical Kinetics Cream Cleanser is a thick yet light cream cleanser that will remove dirt and makeup, offering a deep pore cleansing. This is safe to use morning and night and will not dry out skin. It works best on normal to dry skin and it will not irritate sensitive skin. Although it will help clear pores of oil and makeup, it has not tested well in helping those currently experiencing an acne breakout.
Aveda operates on a potentially greenwashed green beauty ethos. The company uses a minimal amount of recyclable packaging.

Aveda is cruelty free, however their parent company Estee Lauder does engage in animal testing in China.



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