Brush Naked Toothbrushes

Brush Naked Bamboo Toothbrush

4.8/5 – Brush Naked Bamboo Toothbrush

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

The Brush Naked line is available in soft and medium with kids and adult sizes.
It would be better if the brush head was a little more curved; shaped to the mouth.

The handle is 100% biodegradable and there are 3 types of bristles: 1) made from plants 2) BPA free 3) recyclable Dupont nylon. When you are finished with the brush there are also 3 ways to dispose of it: 1) throw the entire brush, handle and head, into the garbage, 2) throw the handle in the compost without the head, 3) remove the bristles and throw what remains in the compost.

The bristles themselves are quite soft but will maintain their shape for 3 to 4 months.

Brush Named is a Green America Certified Business – it meets high standards for social and environmental impacts.

Brush Naked was born when the sound of a disposable plastic toothbrush hit a bin. The noise was a wake-up call that there must be an ecologically friendly way to clean one’s teeth.

100% Bamboo Handle, Ecological Packaging

Made in Canada

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