Bamboo Compact

Elate Bamboo Compact

Elate Clean Cosmetics Bamboo Powder Compact

5/5 – Biodegradable, reusable compact – available for powder, blush, or palettes. A perfect size for Elate products and a good fit for many other powders.
Lightweight and great for travel.

These compacts are created from bamboo, making it good for the products, and the environment. Unlike most timber, bamboo is a self-regenerating natural resource, meaning new shoots appear annually to ensure production continues after individual culms are harvested. This creates sustainable supplies for the wood and cellulose industries.

Bamboo is used for many ecological purposes, including soil stabilization and erosion prevention on hills and verges. It’s also harvested from existing natural forests, plantations and mixed agroforestry systems, meaning bamboo silviculture is an option for conserving and protecting tropical forests long into the future.

Made in Canada

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