Elixirium Rose Facial Toner

Elixirium Organic Rose Facial Toner

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic Yes

3.9/5 – Elixirium Natural Organic Rose Facial Toner is a revitalizing and cleansing toner that smells like a field of roses. The aloe vera soothes the skin, while the rooibos and vitamin E provides needed moisture. This extra boost of moisture will last for hours.
This is best suited for normal skin as it may irritate sensitive skin, for example whilst using after an eyebrow threading it did sting around the eyes for a few seconds.
Elixirium rose and rooibos toner did help clear away spots and it is helpful for acne prone skin.

The bottle will last quite a long time, as not a lot of product is needed to fully hydrate both the face and neck.

As Elixirium is handmade using natural ingredients and cruelty free, the assumption can be made that the owner has a firm ecological stance, but if there was more evidence of their environmental actions, the score would be higher.




Key Ingredients
Organic Rosewater
Rooibos Tea Extract
Aloe Vera

Made in Greece

Highlights: Cruelty Free, Handmade, Vegan

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One thought on “Elixirium Organic Rose Facial Toner

  1. Ahaa, refreshing content and website, I have read all reviews, but love the Elixirium.
    I’ll be back to this site, often. Keep up the interesting posts and array of natural products!

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