Eminence Tropical Vanilla Sunscreen

Eminence Tropical Vanilla Body Sunscreen

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

3/5 – Eminence Tropical Vanilla Body Sunscreen with SPF 32 is an easy to apply and quick to absorb natural sunscreen, provides moisture to the skin while offering protection from UVA and UVB rays. It can take a few minutes to fully absorb in to the skin, but it will absorb evenly.
This sunscreen is not biodegradable and it also contains octinoxate and although it will protect skin from the sun, octinoxate is seen as a hormone disruptor and can pollute waterways.



Key Ingredients
Zinc Oxide
Linden Flower Tea
Shea Butter

Made in Canada

If Eminence Organics had more of a green beauty stance, and had more focus on the environment, their score would improve.

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