Sattva Pure Pineapple Coconut

Sattva Pure Pineapple Coconut Body Lotion

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

3.7/5 – Sattva Pure – Pineapple Coconut Body Lotion – a light mosituriser that leaves the skin feeling supple for 2-6 hours and absorbs quickly. With regular daily use, this feeling of softness will last longer than a few hours. Applying more product will result in a feeling of freshness for 4-8 hours, however it will take longer to fully absorb into the skin. Leaving the user to decide if they want to apply more product for a longer lasting dewiness, or if they would prefer to apply a smaller amount twice a day. Either way the bottle will last for 1-2 months.
For those with dry skin they may prefer this to be applied twice daily.
Suitable for all skin types, not a lot of product is needed for anybody as it targets the areas where it is needed most.
It may take a few applications before it will smooth out rough skin, but it will do this successfully.

As a new green beauty retailer little is known about Sattva Pure. What we do know is that it is a small Canadian owned and operated, natural company making vegan and cruelty free skincare.
This body lotion comes in plastic, Sattva Pure uses a mixture of plastic and glass containers for packaging.



Twitter @SattvaPure

Sadly, Sattva Pure is now closed.
It was a great Green Beauty line and will be missed.

Highlights – Vegan, Paraben Free, Natural

Made in Canada

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