Apothecary Naturals Morning Zest Soap

Apothecary Naturals Morning Zest Soap

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

4.6/5 Apothecary Naturals is a hemp line of skincare products. Morning Zest Soap has an uplifting citrus smell and is ideal for all skin types. The soap works as a light exfoliant while it gently massages the body. It is safe enough to use on the face for those with normal to dry skin, however it may feel too rough on the face for sensitive skin.
The hemp has some medicinal value and it will leave skin feeling soft and soothed. It has some massaging and stimulating effects on sore muscles, and can help to alleviate some minor aches and pains.



Apothecary Naturals is a company owned by women with an 80% female staff. They donate to local charities – including women’s shelters and youth organisations.

Key Ingredients
Organic Goat’s Milk
Hemp Oil
Hemp Terpenes
Natural Mica Clay

Made in Canada

Highlights: Handcrafted, Locally Sourced, Hemp Infused

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