BKind Nail Nutrition

BKind Nail Polish Nutrition

BKind Nail Polish Nutrition Nail Strengthener

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

4.8/5 – BKind is a natural company that looked at the ingredients in nail polishes and said, “No, there must be a safer, kinder way.” There is, and with their 21-Free choices of nail products, it is easy to find what you need (and want).

This strengthener is an excellent undercoat that can be worn as a very light coloured nail polish itself.

BKind Website

BKind Nail Nutrition Link

Be kind to the tips of your nails with vegan, 77% plant-based and 21-FREE nail polish.

Most of the nail polish on the market contains multiple toxic ingredients that can be harmful to you and some of them even contain animal ingredients. Therefore, BKIND offers a range of cruelty-free, plant-based and 21-FREE nail polishes, meaning they are free of 21 toxic ingredients that are generally found in nail polish. You can now enjoy beautiful colored nails while respecting animals, the environment and yourself!

Highlights – vegan, cruelty free, plantbased, 21-Free, glass bottle packaging

Made in Canada

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