Earth Conscious Natural Deodorant

Earth Conscious Lavender Deodorant

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

5/5 – Earth Conscious Lavender Deodorant; Earth Conscious is an eco-friendly company that saw a gap in the market for an effective natural deodorant. Earth Conscious created a vegan deodorant that is green, clean, and affordable.
A small amount will cover the entire underarm area and provide a nice scent and wetness protection for an entire day. During a hot, humid, workday, tests found Earth Conscious kept odour and wetness away for 8 to 10 hours before a re-application was needed. The product performed great under stress!
As this is a cream deodorant, application can be done with the fingers; however those with armpit hair preferred to use a spatula or a sponge to apply.
This is suitable for all skin types, genders, and ages.
It may leave some white marks on dark clothing, but as the product is natural it will wipe off relatively easily with a damp cloth or sponge.

Highlights – Vegan, Cruelty Free, Eco-Friendly, Palm Oil Free, Plastic Free and Recyclable Packaging – even for international orders

Key Ingredients:
Coconut Oil
Arrowroot Powder
Shea Butter
Baking Soda
Jojoba Wax
Lavender Essential Oil
Tea Tree Oil

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