Good Kitty Naturals Honey Suckle Soap

Good Kitty Naturals Honeysuckle Poppy Soap

Good Kitty Naturals Honeysuckle Poppy Soap

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

4.5/5 – An excellent exfoliating and cleansing soap that removes impurities while adding moisture back to the skin.
In the short term skin is left clean and soft for a day.
One bar of soap will last quite a long time, in a household of two with daily use, it will last nearly a month. Skin is cleansed and moisturized for each day of that use and for those suffering from body acne or spots, this soap will help eliminate the bacteria causing such problems.
Suitable for all skin types and genders.


Key Ingredients
Olive Oil
Avocado Butter
Hemp Seed Oil

Highlights – Natural, Organic, Healthy

Made in America

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