Haven Apothecary Facial Balm

Haven Living Restore Facial Balm

Haven Living
Restore Facial Balm
Bergamot and Fir

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

5/5 – This deeply penetrating, soothing balm calms skin as it hydrates.
I have chosen to use it as a night mosituriser as it offers everything one needs before bedtime. The thick, richness of the balm keeps the skin fresh by brining out natural levels of moisture; the mositure sinks so far into the skin that a separate facial oil is not needed – if one chooses to use this balm in addition to a facial oil, it offers a very full hydration.
Due to the thickness of the balm, it take a few minutes before it is fully absorbed, yet will not leave a reisude or an oily feeling.
In the morning, skin will feel refreshed and supple.

Haven Living Website

Haven Living uses recyclable packaging and biodegradable postage, tin container, small batch, handmade, natural products.
Haven Living is a natural, organic body care line good for face to feet.

Made in Canada

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