Hugo Naturals Creamy Coconut Soap

Hugo Naturals Creamy Coconut Soap

Hugo Naturals
Creamy Coconut Soap

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – Yes

3.8/5 – Hugo Naturals is a colourful bar that brightens up the bathroom just to be placed around the tub or sink. It leaves skin feeling soft and smooth for a short time.
In the long term it will leave skin blemish free and it does soften hard skin around the feet, knees, and elbows.
It lasts a surprisingly long time for a bar of soap. In a household of two with daily use it will last as long if not longer as a same sized conventional brand.

Key Ingredients
Coconut Fruit Extract
Organic Jojoba Seed Oil
Sweet Almond Oil

Made in the USA

Highlights: Handcrafted, Sustainable, Natural, Cruelty Free

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