Royal Herbs Arnica Oil

Royal Herbs Arnica Oil

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

4/5 – This arnica oil is smooth and absorbs into the skin quickly, it will not leave an oily film on the skin nor a residue on sheets or clothes. A small amount rubbed into the skin offers an almost instant quick relief from sore and aching muscles. Applying a little onto a bruise, will help alleviate swelling and speed up the visible recovery.

Royal Herbs Website:

Arnica Oils and Balms Link:

Established in 2000, Royal Herbs has been offering organic, botanical based products developed with a holistic philosophy incorporating herbal medicine with herbal product making. We are inspired by the healing power of herbs and the sustainability of locally grown and crafted natural, organic products. Royal Herbs is committed to a ‘Ground to Jar’ philosophy and is led by a Certified Herbalist who has hands-on involvement at every stage of product making.
All Royal Herbs products are free of parabens, laurel sulfate, petroleum and animal by-products.

This oil is packaged in a recyclable plastic bottle while the balms are in a glass jar.

Made in Canada

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