Wabi-Sabi Botanicals

Wabi-Sabi Botanicals Kintamani Kopi – Ultra Fine Coffee Scrub

Wabi-Sabi Botanicals
Kintamani Kopi – Ultra Fine Coffee Scrub

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Wabi Sabi had made a wonderfully light exfoliant with their Kintamani Kopi – Ultra Fine Coffee Scrub, however the product has since been discontinued.
It was a wonderful way to wake up in the morning, with a light powdered coffee, add a few drops of water, create a mask and rub over face and neck. Skin is refreshed, energized and cleansed at the same time.

They do have another light exfoliant mask they brought to market, Valley of Light Illuminating 2 in 1 Mask & Exfoliant.
Based on the high quality and excellent results of the Kintamani Kopi this reviewer has faith in the product even before trying.

Wabi Sabi Website Link

All ingredients sourced in Bali, Indonesia.
Key Ingredients
Coffea Arabica
Theobroma Cacao Bean
Vanilla Planifolia Bean
Vanilla Planifolia Bean Absolute

Wabi Sabi was created for those with sensitive skin, however it is safe and effective for many skin types.
The core belief of the company is the be clean and green. For each item sold they plant a tree!

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