Aveda Botanicals Kinetics Toning Mist

Aveda Botanicals Kinetics Toning Mist

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Organic – No

2.9/5 Aveda Botanicals Kinetics Toning Mist is a mild toner with medium results. It is designed for normal to oily skin, yet it tested better on those with oily skin or with a current breakout. It has astringent properties that cool and hydrate skin, while providing a soft scent of peppermint; the scent will not last.
Aveda operates on a green beauty ethos although the company has been presumed to be greenwashing.

Aveda is cruelty free, however their parent company Estee Lauder does engage in animal testing in China.



Key Ingredients
White Oak
Witch Hazel

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