Haven Living Sugar Scrub

Haven Living Body Polishing Scrub

Haven Living Body Polishing Scrub
Spring – Lemon and Vanilla

Organic – Yes

4.4/5 Apply this sugar based body polish to skin before a bath or a shower. Once washed off, skin is left exfoliated, clean and with a faint sweet smell.
It can be messy to apply to dry skin as some of the product will roll off on to the floor, so it is advisable to apply over a bathmat or in the shower.
Suitable for all skin types and soft enough to be used on the face.

This is available in different sizes and the smaller size is great for travelling.

Tip – if used after a waxing it can prolong the treatment a day or so; it offers a strong exfoliation for a gentle product.



Key Ingredients
Organic Coconut Oil
Non GMO Soy
Lemon Essential Oil
Vanilla Essential Oil

Highlights: Cruelty Free, Canadian, Handmade

Made in Canada

Haven Living encourages recycling and reusing, so they will take back any empty containers and packaging in their store and reuse as much as they can.
All packaging is recyclable.

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