MJs Herbals First Aid Salve

MJ’s Herbals First Aid Salve

Organic – Yes

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

4.7/5 – MJ’s Herbals First Aid Salve
Great for cuts and scrapes and can even be used on burns. It keeps the area of the cut moist so that it will either not scab or at least not last as long. This is available in a convenient glass jar that can be transported in a bag.
Excellent for around the nails to prevent and treat cuticles and hang nails.
Works as a balm on everything from scabs to chapped lips, as it soothes the rough skin and aides it to dry naturally and without scarring.



Key Ingredients
Organic Comfrey Root
Organic Grape Root
Organic Calendula Blossoms
Organic White Oak Bark
Organic Marshmallow Root

Highlights – Ethically Sourced, Organic, Natural, Glass Jar

The company has a high ethical standard; they believe in preserving nature and ethically sourcing ingredients.

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