Ondine Naturals EverHis

Ondine Naturals Ever His Everything Bar

Ondine Naturals
Ever His Everything Bar

Value for Money
Quality of Ingredients
Short term results
Long term results

Good for: Shampoo, Shaving, Cleansing

Organic – Partly

4.4/5 – Excellent for travel, as it is compact and can easily replace a lot of toiletry bottles.
As a soap it is soft enough for the face and delicate areas, and will clean thoroughly.
As a shampoo it leaves hair clean and soft. A separate conditioner is not needed on a short trip, however if one is using this as a regular daily shampoo, one may want an additional conditioner once in a while.
As a shaving cream, it lathers nicely and can replace the need for a foam. It will also leave some moisturiser on the area.
Can be used for a longer period of time, it is not restrictive to travel.
As a soap it is safe for everyday use and will clean and moisturise the skin.
As a shampoo it will clean hair and it will not strip moisture, but in the long-term an additional conditioner maybe desired for added softness.
As a shaving cream, it can be used safely for a prolonged period of time and it will not dry the skin the same way as some foams. Those with sensitive skin may find this bar to be a preferred alternative to over-the-counter products as it not only prepares the skin for shaving but it also helps to moisturise the area(s).

It is called Ever His, however this bar can be used by all sexes and all skin types.



Key Ingredients:
Vegetable Oil,
Coconut Oil,
Avocado Oil,
Organic Castor Oil,
Mango Butter,
Organic Shea Butter

Highlights: Handmade, Natural

Made in Canada

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